Longparish cemetery is managed by the Parish Council.
Arrangements for burials or the erection of memorials should be made with the Clerk to the Parish Council, either directly (see the link for details), via the contact form or by email at cemetery@longparish.org.uk.
There is a nearly-up-to-date summary of the Register of Burials.
We have scanned in the Register of Burials between 1924 and 1973. It is a 4.7MB PDF file. Alas, it isn’t searchable and is not a thing of great beauty as the pages are bigger than my scanner.
You can download a searchable PDF of a plan of the cemetery that contains all the information we have about who is where.
If you can’t find them on the plan, then I’m sorry, but I don’t have the information. If, on the other hand, you know where someone is who is missing from the plan or is shown in the wrong place, do please let me know.
Please be aware that the plan has been typed in from an old paper copy that gets progressively less helpful the older the grave is.
The following documents relate to the cemetery:
The Parish Council also maintain the War Memorial. You can read more about the people commemorated on the War Memorial on the Longparish page of the British Legion website.
One of those remembered is Tom Gradidge. You can read more about him here.
This picture of the War Memorial by moonlight was taken by Martin Lampard .
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