The right of interment in Longparish Cemetery is exclusive to parishioners of the Parish and to former parishioners of long standing, upon payment of the appropriate fee as set out in the scale of fees. At the discretion of the Burial Board, non-parishioners may be interred in the Cemetery subject to payment of the appropriate fee for non-residents as decided by the Burial Board.
At least 48 hours notice (on a form prescribed by the Burial Board) of every intended interment must be given to the Clerk to the Burial Board at a reasonable time of day.
All fees in connection with the interment must be paid to the Clerk at the time the notice of interment is given.
A disposal certificate from the Registrar of Deaths, or where appropriate from the Coroner, must be provided to the clerk with the notice of interment, or to the officiating Minister at the Cemetery, before an interment takes place.
In the case of a still-born child, the appropriate certificate under the Births & Deaths Registration Act 1953 must be produced.
All grave spaces will be allocated by the Clerk acting for the Burial Board.
All graves will be dug and filled to the reasonable satisfaction of the Burial Board - this will be the responsibility of the Funeral Director.
A body shall not be interred in a grave in such a manner that any part of the coffin is at a depth of less than three feet below the level of the surface of the ground of the grave space, nor shall the cremated remains of a body be interred in a grave in such a manner that any part of the casket is at a depth of less than one foot below the level of the surface of the ground of the grave space.
No more than one full interment shall take place in any one grave space.
The minimum depth of a grave shall be 4' 6" (four feet six inches)
No body will be permitted burial in any grave unless placed in a properly constructed coffin.
The hours of interment in the Cemetery will be between 9.30 am and 3.30 pm unless there are special reasons otherwise which are acceptable to the Clerk. Interments will not be allowed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays, other than in cases where there are special reasons acceptable to the Clerk.
Not more than one funeral will be allowed to take place at any one time.
Whenever an interment takes place the surface of the grave will be covered with turf by the Funeral Director as soon as is reasonably possible after natural subsidence of the earth has taken place. No mounds will be allowed on any grave.
Only two caskets may be interred in any grave space, or in any space in the cremations area.
When any grave in which an interment has already taken place is re-opened for the interment of ashes, there shall be no disturbance of human remains interred there.
No purchase of graves in advance will be permitted, except by the spouse of a deceased person who may purchase one adjacent plot or cremations area space at time of burial.
Care of wreaths and flowers is the responsibility of relatives, but any dead or unsightly artificial flowers, or unsuitable containers, may be removed by the Burial Board.
A memorial in the form of a headstone or cross (but not both) may be placed at the head of a grave.
A memorial in the form of a plaque, 18" x 12" x 2" (eighteen inches x twelve inches x two inches), may be placed in the area reserved for cremated remains or on a grave.
The consent of the Burial Board, through the Clerk, shall be obtained before any memorial is erected or any inscription placed on a proposed or existing memorial. Such consent will only be given if the proposed memorial complies with the requirements of these regulations. The Burial Board will not be responsible for the costs of removal of any unauthorised memorial. Payment of the appropriate fee must be made in advance.
No memorial shall exceed 3' (three feet) in height, measured from ground level, nor shall it be more than 2' (two feet) wide and it shall have a thickness of not less than 3" (three inches) and not more than 6" (six inches).
Every memorial shall be firmly fixed in the ground on an approved foundation which shall be wholly below ground level. Details of the foundation and fixing of any memorial shall be provided at the time of seeking consent.
Memorials shall be white or light grey stone.
No memorial shall be removed from the Cemetery except with the consent of the Burial Board.
The Burial Board can accept no responsibility for damage to memorials, unless such damage is caused by a person employed by the Burial Board.
No new kerbsets may be introduced into the cemetery. Existing kerbsets may be removed or replaced like for like. The consent of the Burial Board shall be obtained through the Clerk before any work may start.
All graves shall be dug by hand. Mechanical diggers are not allowed in the cemetery
All boards, tools and other materials or plant required in the erection of memorials shall, in the Cemetery, be conveyed by hand or on carts or trucks the wheels of which must have a tyre width of not less than 4" (four inches). At no expense to the Burial Board all such equipment, tools and any spare soil shall be removed from the Cemetery immediately upon completion of the erection of the memorial and, while the work remains unfinished, at the end of each day. Care must be taken to avoid cutting up or injuring the paths and grassed areas in the Cemetery. All work in connection with memorials and any necessary reinstatement arising therefrom shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Burial Board.
Every person engaged in any work or labour in or upon any grave or memorial in the Cemetery shall, immediately on completion thereof, clear up and remove from the Cemetery any rubbish and/or surplus materials remaining after completion. If any person, after receiving one day's notice from the Burial Board, neglects or fails to comply with this requirement, the rubbish and/or surplus materials in question will be removed by the Burial Board and the person so neglecting or failing to comply shall, on demand, pay to the Burial Board the cost incurred in the removal.
Children under the age of 12 (twelve) years shall not enter or be taken into the Cemetery except under the charge of a responsible adult. Dogs are not permitted in the Cemetery. Decorous behaviour shall be observed at all times.
[End of Regulations]
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