St. Nicholas church enjoys a beautiful setting at the western end of Longparish, in the heart of the old settlement of Middleton. Christians have been meeting and worshipping here since the early 13th century and continue to do so today.
The church is open every day for visitors, who are of course welcome to come in and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the church.
We offer a service on every Sunday of the month, except when there is a fifth Sunday, when we combine with the other churches in our benefice for a joint service, which is held at one of the four churches in turn. Full details of each month's services can be found on the "services" page and are published monthly in Hill and Valley.
Details of occasional services and groups meeting for prayer, fellowship and study are available from one of the clergy or the churchwardens. Contact details are available on the "who's who" page.
We look forward to welcoming you.
We are currently seeking a vicar, following the death of Canon Michael St. John Channell in February 2014. Pending that appointment, please address any questions to one of the churchwardens.
The latest Annual Report and Accounts can be found via the links here or in the Reports and Accounts page.
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