Longparish is part of a united benefice of 4 parishes, the others being Hurstbourne Priors, St. Mary Bourne and Woodcott. A range of services is provided throughout the benefice each week.
Full details of this month's services can be seen by clicking here. Details are also published in Hill & Valley each month. If the service in Longparish is not the time or type that suits you, the chances are that a more suitable service will be held in one of the other churches in the benefice. You will be very welcome at whichever service you attend.
In Longparish, the pattern of services is such that the service will be at the same time each week (9.30am). On the second Sunday each month there will be an additional service at 8.00am. When there is a fifth Sunday there will be a united benefice service, not necessarily at Longparish.
The monthly pattern of services at St. Nicholas, Longparish is as follows:
9.30am All Age Communion — a service of Holy Communion using more modern language and hymns
8.00 am Holy Communion — a traditional (said) service from the Book of Common Prayer
9.30 am Family Communion — a service of Holy Communion using more traditional language (Common Worship) and hymns
9.30 am All Age Worship — a more informal service
9.30am Family Communion — a service of Holy Communion using more traditional language (Common Worship) and hymns
Where there is a fifth Sunday in the month, there is generally a benefice service at one of the churches in the benefice: details in Hill & Valley.
Once a month, we run a midweek service for pre-school children ("Scramblers").
If you have any questions or observations about the service plan, please contact one of the clergy or churchwardens. For contact details, please go to the "who's who" page.
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