The next Fete is on Saturday 7th September 2013.
This time the organisers are Cathy and Henry Yelf and Laura and David Wearn. Contact details are Cathy and Henry 720790 Laura and David 720066
Longparish Fete has been a key date in the calendar for many years. At various times it has been held at Longparish House, the School Field and the Cricket Ground. It is the major fundraising event for the Church and the Village Hall. Help is always needed, and there is considerable experience and expertise available to help new recruits. Planning starts in the New Year and there is a social event the day after the fete to hear the result and celebrate its success.
2012's excellent fete certainly justified the description, “The best fĂȘte in Hampshire” There was a great crowd and a lovely atmosphere. Organiser Tom Bremridge writes,
The fete is over for another year. I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you who have helped to make it go so well. Its always a great team effort that makes it work. You give your time and energy not only on the day but on many days leading up to it. We are very lucky to have so many willing dedicated people in the village who contribute to the overall effort and success.
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