This informal group meets in the Village Hall, and anyone looking after babies and children under school age is very welcome. It gives the children a chance to play together, and mothers and carers an opportunity to meet others and talk. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are served.
We meet from 10am to 11.30 on the first and third Mondays of the month in term time.
Lizzie Gairdner 720372 or Caroline Butler 720308
We have lots of toys, books, puzzles, baby area, ride-ons, play sand, a small climbing frame with slide, and a trampoline. We do a different art or craft and messy play each week and once a term we make cakes or biscuits with the children. We have story time, and a sit down juice and snack for the little ones, then we finish the session with some songs.
Those with transport difficulties should contact the organisers who will do their best to arrange lifts.
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