
Dial 999

See the definition of emergency in the Law & Order/Police section

The definition of as medical emergency (as found in the NHS Direct web site is:

When it comes to your health or the health of someone in your family, it is often very obvious if the person is seriously ill and needs immediate emergency care.

An emergency is 'a critical or life-threatening situation'. That's all very well, but it still doesn't really help you decide what a 'critical situation' is. Here are some examples:

  • Unconsciousness.
  • Heavy blood loss.
  • Suspected broken bones.
  • Deep wound such as a stab wound.
  • Suspected heart attack.
  • Difficulty in breathing.

There are a few things that you should remember in any emergency. These will help you to deal with the situation quickly and efficiently:

  • Remain calm.
  • Do everything you can to help the person, but don't put yourself in danger.
  • Don't give the person anything to eat, drink or smoke.
  • Don't stick anything in their mouth.

The Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service have a lot of advice on their site. See, for example, their section on Fire Safety in the Home.

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