The Parish Plan was produced after extensive consultation during which over 60% of villagers expressed their views. The Parish Council adopted the Plan at its meeting on 9 May 2005 and it was well received at the Annual Parish Meeting on 16 May 2005. Copies of the Plan were delivered to each household in Longparish with their December 2005 copy of Hill and Valley. Remaining copies were given to new villagers as part of their welcome packs but in 2009 we ran out of hard copies. You can read the electronic version below.
The raw results are not in the printed document but you can see them all below:
Detailed action plans were produced and groups were led by
Over the following three years much of the work was completed. The Parish Plan committee was then disbanded and the remaining work was taken on by the Parish Council.
The biggest success is undoubtedly the formation of the Longparish Community Association which has around 200 members and supports a host of activities in the village including KidzZone, our new youth club and the Recycled Teeneagers, a group for older people.
A big improvement on road safety was the new pavement from the school to the village hall car park which was only possible becuase of the extensive evidence of need in the plan.
On housing the eventual decision, after a long period of debate, was not to proceed.You can see the backround material here.
You can see the first action plans below.
We have done various presentations about Parish Plans for around 8 other parishes, TVBC, the Hampshire Rural Forum and Basingstoke and Deane Strategic Partnership. The latest was a presentation on 27 May 2010 for the Test Valley Association of Local Councils. Jo Dixon of Community Action Hampshire explained what Parish Plans are. Jeremy Barber then explained why we did our plan, what we did, how we did it and the outcomes. Marianne Piggin then explained the support which TVBC can give to villages who want to do a plan.
You can download the presentation here (NB this a a 19MB Powerpoint so it may take a while to download). If you'd like more information there are contact details on the last slide.
You may be interested to see these early documents.
Note - since these articles were written we have changed the way we publish Hill & Valley and the formatting of pages in these old editions is disrupted as a result. Sorry! The text is the same.
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