You can read an explanation of the planning process, and the role of the the Parish Council.
Details of applications including plans and background papers are in the planning area of the TVBC website
In the January 2012 edition of Hill & Valley the Parish Council reported that TVBC had published its draft Core Strategy & Development Management Plan Document [DPD] and its draft Designations DPD for public consultation, which are available to see in the Planning area of the TVBC website and at Beech Hurst. The public consultation on both documents started on 6 January and ran Friday 17 February 2012.
The documents set out the vision and strategy for the Borough until 2031, the proposed locations for development; and include policies which will be used to determine planning applications. The Designation DPD contains settlement boundaries, local gap boundaries and other designations that have been used to inform the Core Strategy.
TVBC considers that village settlement boundaries are required to delineate the areas where the principle of development is acceptable and has sought to take a consistent approach (no mean task), tailoring it to the specific character of individual villages [The villages within Test Valley have a variance of character, linked with the history of the settlement. Some can be linear in nature, e.g. Longparish, others are clustered around a centre, e.g. Shipton Bellinger, some have small distinct cluster, e.g. Braishfield and others have a mixture of these, e.g. Kings Sombourne].
They have taken care to draft the settlement boundaries using identifiable features on the ground, such as buildings and curtilages, with the aim of ensuring that the policy boundaries reflect the extent of the area which forms part of the settlement. However, this has resulted in some buildings or areas not being included within the boundaries - and examples include dwellings or farm buildings in large grounds, or the periphery of villages, which relate more to countryside development rather than forming the settlement.
TVBC also considers that the following village uses should be considered as part of the settlement - churchyards; car parks; schools and playing fields; employment sites; full curtilage of dwellings; public open space [including recreation grounds and allotments]; and farm complexes within/adjoining settlements. However, in doing this it is recognised that a number of village uses which make up the settlement are included within the boundaries; and that these may be desirable to retain in order to provide services and facilities for the local population. The Longparish map should therefore be read in conjunction with and alongside the Development Management policies of the Core Strategy. These include community services and facilities; the protection and enhancement of the built environment; public open space and employment.
At a public meeting on 2 February 2012 Graham Smith of TVBC explained the background and answered questions from members of the public and the Parish Council Planning Committee. Members of the public were then invited to give their views. The Planning Committee then discussed the matter and recommended comments to the whole Council. These were discussed at the Council meeting on 13 February and the Council's response to TVBC is attached.
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