The normal collection day for domestic bins is Wednesday, alternately the black bin for household waste and the brown bin for recyclables. Collection is usually a day later if there is a Bank Holiday.
Test Valley Borough Council's website has a When's my next collection day? page, which lists the next four collections and whether it's for the black or brown bins.
Bags for garden waste can be obtained from Test Valley Borough Council for an annual charge and are collected fortnightly on Mondays
Glass bottles can be put in recycling bins by the Cricketers.
Clothes and shoes can be recycled in aid of the Air Ambulance behind the village hall.
Other household waste which will not fit in the bins can be taken to Walworth Industrial Estate in cars or small trailers. You must have a license to use a commercial van or large trailer.
Large items can be collected by TVBC by arrangement and for a fee.
You can find tips on waste recycling at
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