What's most spectacularly new is that this is all now old. The up to date site still lives at www.longparish.org.uk, it's just that we've moved the old site here so that we can be nostalgic about it.
That said, some parts of the new site still (as of 22nd July 2014) point here because we haven't quite finished transferring, polishing and buffing it up to be nice and sparkly.
Please don't rely on this archive living forever: at some point, sufficient bit- and link-rot will have set in that we will decide to take it down altogether.
What follows is the old new stuff...
This is where we try to keep you up to date with news of what's happening and new stuff on the web site.
We will be holding our biennial Fun Day again this year, with activities from early morning to late at night, some familiar and some new. The theme will be Carnival, with a side order of celebrating the World Cup (which is apparently of interest to some people in the village!).
Keep the whole day reserved in your diaries so you can join in - and if you'd like to be involved in helping us organise the day, please get in touch with Fiona Gould (720709).
The Fun Day will be rounded off with a barn dance to raise funds for FoLS and the Playgroup. Details are here.
Scarecrows have been spotted around the village. We are keeping an eye on where they are and putting pins in the map below. Voting takes place at the Cream Tea.
The Parish Council have issued a document entitled Notes on Longparish Flooding — December 2013 to March 2014.
Before the next Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 9 June there will be an Open Forum on flooding. If you would like to attend please inform the Parish Clerk, Sally Lawman, by email (clerk@longparish.org.uk) or by telephone (01264 738716) by the end of Thurs 5 June. The Forum will not take place if there is insufficient interest.
The hall is fully accessible with a new ramp at the front, disabled loo and a hearing loop. The heating quickly warms the hall up to a comfortable temperature and the lighting and new colour scheme provide an atmosphere which is relaxing and welcoming. If you haven't seen it yet and would like to look around please contact John on 720018 or Maggie on 720459.
To hire our lovely hall please email villagehall@longparish.org.uk or phone Jacqui on 720560.
There is more information about the refurbishment on the Village Hall pages.
£3,870.60 was raised. See poster. FoLS say "thank you. Your kindness, support and generosity is overwhelming."
The Recycled Teenagers’ Club is open to all older members of our community and was started by Longparish Community Association in 2007. We organise regular outings and other events using Test Valley Community Service’s minibus for transport. We are very grateful to the Longparish Community Association for their continued support as that helps us to keep the cost to participants down.
Our programme of outings for this year is listed below. If you are retired and living in Longparish please come and join us.
Our next trip is to Mottisfont on 10 June. We have a few spaces left on the minibus so this is your chance to see the roses at their best.
Here's the programme for the rest of the year:
If you or someone you know is interested in joining us or you would like further information please contact Corinne on 720643.
The LCA Coffee Shop in the village hall meeting room is open from 9 am -12 noon every second Friday of the month. Drop in with your friends, children, parents. Everyone is welcome.
The next one is on Friday 9 May and not the 16th which is the date shown in Hill & Valley. Sorry about that.l
For £1 you can enjoy a cup of tea or delicious ground coffee and biscuits. Fairtrade orange juice is available for children.
Emma Smith is kindly masterminding these events on the third Monday of each month. Doors open at 7 and the shows start at 7.30. Entry is free for LCA members but donations to help cover the costs will be welcome. For May we have an award winning film starring Judi Dench. The terms of the licence do not allow us to name the next film here but you can read about it in Hill & Valley.
We will be visiting 3 gardens in Barton Stacey, two close together and the final one a little further down the road where we will finish at the garden of Karen and Bill Sykes for drinks and to look around their lovely garden. Parking at either of the village car parks in Barton Stacey (close to village shop).
Members free but please bring money for drinks. (Non-Members £5.00 Very Welcome) Any queries to Rosie Lowry 01264 720325 rosie@yewcottagelongparish.com
Longparish Craft Club are a social group with a shared love of making things. We meet fortnightly on Tuesdays at Longparish Village Hall in either the main hall or in the meeting room to the rear of the hall. The club runs from 7.30pm until 9.30pm and entry costs £2 per person which includes tea and coffee.
Find out more on the Craft Club Page
Classes are led by Lauren Mildenberger, a fully qualified instructor. She teaches low impact short routines to music. This is kinder to your joints. It is not a fast pace class so is ideal for complete beginners and senior ladies. Each session includes gentle warm up, cardiovascular exercise to increase heart-rate (nothing major!!) and toning – concentrating on those problem areas (Arms, Bums, Tums).
Wear comfortable clothing and non-slip footwear. Everyone works at their own level, no pressure. Come along and give it a try. £5 per session. Free parking - so why travel to Andover for a class?
Need more information? Phone Gina on 01264 720128.
The L2SOTM is a race of about 3 miles (5km) held on the second Sunday of every month. The next race is on